This history item belongs to Xenomyrmex stolli subsp. floridanus Emery, 1895
Its current taxon owner(s) is Xenomyrmex floridanus
Senior synonym of Xenomyrmex stollii lucayanus: Creighton, 1957c: 6; Smith, 1958c: 128; Kempf, 1972b: 259; Smith, 1979: 1384; Bolton, 1995b: 424.
Senior synonym of {prott 177020}: {ref 123922}: 6; {ref 128854}: 128; {ref 126357}: 259; {ref 128659}: 1384; {ref 122860}: 424.
Xenomyrmex floridanus | Species | Valid |
Xenomyrmex stollii floridanus | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Xenomyrmex floridanus Emery, 1895