This history item belongs to Formica arcuata Le Guillou, 1842

Its current taxon owner(s) is Polyrhachis arcuata

Status as species: Mayr, 1863a: 443; Smith, 1871a: 308; Emery, 1897: 583 (in key); Emery, 1898a: 230; Emery, 1900: 714; Forel, 1905f: 26; Forel, 1907d: 38; Forel, 1912o: 71; Forel, 1913l: 136; Forel, 1915a: 43; Viehmeyer, 1916a: 166; Wheeler, 1919f: 129; Emery, 1925d: 186; Stitz, 1925c: 134; Karavaiev, 1927f: 14 (redescription); Karavaiev, 1930a: 213; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 259; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 132; Taylor, 1987a: 59; Kohout & Taylor, 1990: 511; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995: 17; Kohout, 1998: 510; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 37; Kohout, 2008a: 260; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 40; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 59; Wang et al., 2022: 54.

Status as species: {ref 127213}: 443; {ref 128707}: 308; {ref 133003}: 583 (in key); {ref 124626}: 230; {ref 133004}: 714; {ref 125163}: 26; {ref 125171}: 38; {ref 125237}: 71; {ref 125249}: 136; {ref 125257}: 43; {ref 129530}: 166; {ref 130136}: 129; {ref 124775}: 186; {ref 129040}: 134; {ref 126257}: 14 (redescription); {ref 126265}: 213; {ref 123583}: 259; {ref 129218}: 132; {ref 129202}: 59; {ref 126485}: 511; {ref 122860}: 343; {ref 124382}: 17; {ref 131628}: 510; {ref 131538}: 37; {ref 131638}: 260; {ref 132946}: 40; {ref 143923}: 59; {ref 144032}: 54.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-08-04
  • Updated at: 2023-06-09
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Formica arcuata Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Polyrhachis arcuata (Le Guillou, 1842)
Polyrhachis arcuata Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Formica arcuata
#266425 Combination in Polyrhachis: Mayr, 1863a: 443.
#284138 Combination in Polyrhachis (Chariomyrma): Viehmeyer, 1916a: 166.
#266426 Junior synonym of Polyrhachis latreillii: Roger, 1863b: 9; Dalla Torre, 1893: 264; Emery, 1896j: 380.
#289424 (selected) Status as species: Mayr, 1863a: 443; Smith, 1871a: 308; Emery, 1897: 583 (in key); Emery, 1898a: 230; Emery, 1900: 714; Forel, 1905f: 26; Forel, 1907d: 38; Forel, 1912o: 71; Forel, 1913l: 136; Forel, 1915a: 43; Viehmeyer, 1916a: 166; Wheeler, 1919f: 129; Emery, 1925d: 186; Stitz, 1925c: 134; Karavaiev, 1927f: 14 (redescription); Karavaiev, 1930a: 213; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 259; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 132; Taylor, 1987a: 59; Kohout & Taylor, 1990: 511; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995: 17; Kohout, 1998: 510; Jaitrong & Nabhitabhata, 2005: 37; Kohout, 2008a: 260; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 40; Khachonpisitsak et al., 2020: 59; Wang et al., 2022: 54.
#289425 Senior synonym of Polyrhachis arcuata continentis: Kohout, 1998: 510.
#289426 Senior synonym of Polyrhachis latifrons: Emery, 1897: 583; Emery, 1898a: 230; Forel, 1901c: 32; Wheeler, 1919f: 129; Emery, 1925d: 186; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995: 16; Kohout, 1998: 510.
#266427 Senior synonym of Polyrhachis modiglianii: Emery, 1897: 583; Emery, 1898a: 230; Forel, 1901c: 32; Wheeler, 1919f: 129; Emery, 1925d: 186; Bolton, 1995b: 343; Dorow, 1995: 16; Kohout, 1998: 510.