This history item belongs to Messor semirufus var. ebeninus Santschi, 1927

Its current taxon owner(s) is Messor ebeninus

Subspecies of Messor semirufus: Menozzi, 1933b: 52; Finzi, 1936: 160; Santschi, 1938a: 31.

Subspecies of {tax 440206}: {ref 127374}: 52; {ref 124917}: 160; {ref 128439}: 31.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-09-02
  • Updated at: 2020-09-02
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Messor ebeninus Species Valid
Messor semirufus ebeninus Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Messor ebeninus Santschi, 1927
Other history items belonging to Messor semirufus var. ebeninus
#258829 [First available use of Messor barbarus semirufus ebeninus Forel, 1910a; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.]
#258830 Finzi, 1936: 160 (q.); Tohmé, 1971: 573 (m.).
#290545 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Forel, 1913d: 427; Crawley, 1920a: 164; Emery, 1921c: 72; Emery, 1922d: 97.
#290546 (selected) Subspecies of Messor semirufus: Menozzi, 1933b: 52; Finzi, 1936: 160; Santschi, 1938a: 31.
#258832 Junior synonym of Messor semirufus: Baroni Urbani, 1974a: 227
#258833 Status as species: Tohmé, 1971: 569 (redescription); Tohmé, 1975: 171; Tohmé & Tohmé, 1981: 142; Collingwood, 1985: 249; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987a: 54; Agosti & Collingwood, 1987b: 271 (in key); Kugler, 1988: 257; Bolton, 1995b: 254; Collingwood & Agosti, 1996: 317; Mohamed et al., 2001: 51; Petrov, 2006: 92 (in key); Paknia et al., 2008: 155; Lush, 2009: 114; Vonshak & Ionescu-Hirsch, 2010: 42; Collingwood et al., 2011: 426; Karaman, 2011b: 37; Legakis, 2011: 10; Borowiec & Salata, 2012: 513; Kiran & Karaman, 2012: 19; Sharaf et al., 2013: 572; Borowiec, 2014: 105; Tohmé & Tohmé, 2014: 134; Sharaf et al., 2022: 55.