This history item belongs to Ponera nitida Smith, 1858

Its current taxon owner(s) is Leptogenys nitida

Status as species: Roger, 1861a: 15; Mayr, 1863a: 449; Mayr, 1886c: 358; Dalla Torre, 1893: 45; Forel, 1901k: 329; Emery, 1911e: 102; Forel, 1913a: 110; Forel, 1914d: 214; Santschi, 1914e: 11; Arnold, 1915: 101 (redescription); Wheeler, 1922: 789; Arnold, 1926: 211; Arnold, 1960a: 81; Bolton, 1975a: 289 (redescription); Hita Garcia et al., 2013: 220 (error).

Status as species: {ref 128088}: 15; {ref 127213}: 449; {ref 127239}: 358; {ref 124002}: 45; {ref 125115}: 329; {ref 124702}: 102; {ref 125238}: 110; {ref 125254}: 214; {ref 128289}: 11; {ref 122309}: 101 (redescription); {ref 133015}: 789; {ref 122314}: 211; {ref 122333}: 81; {ref 122841}: 289 (redescription); {ref 142371}: 220 (error).
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-09-18
  • Updated at: 2020-09-18
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Leptogenys nitida Species Homonym
homonym replaced by Leptogenys intermedia Emery, 1902
Ponera nitida Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Leptogenys nitida (Smith, 1858)
Other history items belonging to Ponera nitida
#257889 [Junior primary homonym of Ponerites nitidus Heer, 1849.]
#257891 Arnold, 1926: 211 (eq.)
#257892 Combination in Lobopelta: Mayr, 1886c: 358
#276718 Combination in Leptogenys: Forel, 1901k: 329
#291053 Combination in Leptogenys (Lobopelta): Arnold, 1915: 101.
#291054 (selected) Status as species: Roger, 1861a: 15; Mayr, 1863a: 449; Mayr, 1886c: 358; Dalla Torre, 1893: 45; Forel, 1901k: 329; Emery, 1911e: 102; Forel, 1913a: 110; Forel, 1914d: 214; Santschi, 1914e: 11; Arnold, 1915: 101 (redescription); Wheeler, 1922: 789; Arnold, 1926: 211; Arnold, 1960a: 81; Bolton, 1975a: 289 (redescription); Hita Garcia et al., 2013: 220 (error).
#291055 Senior synonym of Leptogenys tenuis: Forel, 1912o: 52; Santschi, 1914e: 11; Wheeler, 1922: 789.
#291056 Replacement name: Leptogenys intermedia Emery, 1902c.
#257890 [Note: Leptogenys intermedia oldest junior synonym of Leptogenys nitida Smith, 1858a (synonymy by Bolton, 1975a: 289); hence Leptogenys intermedia first available replacement name (Bolton, 1995b: 231).]