This history item belongs to Pseudomyrma elongata Mayr, 1870
Its current taxon owner(s) is Pseudomyrmex elongatus
Status as species: Smith, 1877b: 61; Emery, 1890b: 65; Forel, 1893j: 390; Emery, 1895d: 269; Forel, 1899b: 88; Wheeler, 1905c: 85 (redescription); Forel, 1906d: 228; Forel, 1908a: 65; Wheeler, 1910a: 562; Wheeler, 1911a: 22; Forel, 1911g: 278; Forel, 1912h: 23; Santschi, 1913h: 36; Wheeler, 1913b: 484; Wheeler & Mann, 1914: 18; Mann, 1916: 427; Wheeler, 1918b: 24; Mann, 1920b: 405; Emery, 1921c: 32; Wheeler, 1922e: 4; Menozzi, 1927c: 267; Smith, 1930a: 2; Wheeler, 1932a: 4; Wheeler, 1934f: 139; Menozzi, 1935b: 191; Wheeler, 1935g: 16; Wheeler, 1942: 165; Creighton, 1950a: 79; Smith, 1951c: 788; Creighton, 1957b: 18; Smith, 1958c: 112; Wilson, 1964b: 4; Smith, 1967a: 348; Kempf, 1972b: 217; Kempf & Lenko, 1976: 62; Smith, 1979: 1346; Ward, 1985b: 227 (redescription); Ward, 1989a: 419 (redescription); Deyrup et al., 1989: 94; Brandão, 1991: 375; Ward, 1992: 81 (in table); Bolton, 1995b: 372; Ward, 1999b: 519 (redescription); Deyrup, 2003: 46; Wild, 2007b: 40; Branstetter & Sáenz, 2012: 264; Bezděčková et al., 2015: 125; Deyrup, 2017: 41; Ward, 2019: 1103.
Status as species: {ref 128720}: 61; {ref 124550}: 65; {ref 125057}: 390; {ref 124591}: 269; {ref 125089}: 88; {ref 129996}: 85 (redescription); {ref 125167}: 228; {ref 125179}: 65; {ref 130044}: 562; {ref 130055}: 22; {ref 125216}: 278; {ref 125230}: 23; {ref 128283}: 36; {ref 130073}: 484; {ref 130283}: 18; {ref 127070}: 427; {ref 130128}: 24; {ref 127084}: 405; {ref 124749}: 32; {ref 130152}: 4; {ref 127335}: 267; {ref 128756}: 2; {ref 130234}: 4; {ref 130255}: 139; {ref 127377}: 191; {ref 130265}: 16; {ref 129956}: 165; {ref 123910}: 79; {ref 128824}: 788; {ref 123921}: 18; {ref 128854}: 112; {ref 130370}: 4; {ref 128863}: 348; {ref 126357}: 217; {ref 126385}: 62; {ref 128659}: 1346; {ref 129618}: 227 (redescription); {ref 129619}: 419 (redescription); {ref 124103}: 94; {ref 122994}: 375; {ref 129607}: 81 (in table); {ref 122860}: 372; {ref 132567}: 519 (redescription); {ref 131073}: 46; {ref 132622}: 40; {ref 142249}: 264; {ref 143590}: 125; {ref 143305}: 41; {ref 143463}: 1103.
Pseudomyrma elongata | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pseudomyrmex elongatus (Mayr, 1870)
Pseudomyrmex elongatus | Species | Valid |