This history item belongs to Scyphodon Brues, 1925

Its current taxon owner(s) is Scyphodon

Scyphodon in Leptanillinae, Leptanillini: Griebenow, 2020: 237.

{tax 429030} in {tax 430164}, {tax 430168}: {ref 143787}: 237.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2020-12-03
  • Updated at: 2023-09-23
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Scyphodon Genus Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Leptanilla Emery, 1870
Other history items belonging to Scyphodon
#239479 Scyphodon incertae sedis in Formicidae: Wheeler & Wheeler, 1985b: 259.
#239480 Scyphodon incertae sedis in Hymenoptera, Aculeata: Ogata et al., 1995: 33; Bolton, 2003: 264.
#239478 Scyphodon in Leptanillinae: Petersen, 1968: 591; Baroni Urbani, 1977c: 482; Dlussky & Fedoseeva, 1988: 79; Bolton, 1990b: 277; Hölldobler & Wilson, 1990: 12; Bolton, 1994: 70; Bolton, 1995b: 46, 382; Boudinot, 2015: 32.
#292147 (selected) Scyphodon in Leptanillinae, Leptanillini: Griebenow, 2020: 237.
#311832 Scyphodon as genus: all authors, except the following.
#312498 Scyphodon as junior synonym of Leptanilla: Griebenow, 2024: 128.