This history item belongs to Meranoplus simoni subsp. nitidiventris Mayr, 1901

Its current taxon owner(s) is Meranoplus simoni nitidiventris

Subspecies of Meranoplus simoni: Forel, 1913a: 116; Arnold, 1917: 370; Wheeler, 1922: 888; Emery, 1924f: 227.

Subspecies of {tax 439965}: {ref 125238}: 116; {ref 122311}: 370; {ref 133015}: 888; {ref 124769}: 227.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2021-07-28
  • Updated at: 2021-07-28
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Meranoplus simoni nitidiventris Subspecies Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Meranoplus magrettii André, 1884
Other history items belonging to Meranoplus simoni subsp. nitidiventris
#258645 Arnold, 1917: 371 (q.m.)
#297688 (selected) Subspecies of Meranoplus simoni: Forel, 1913a: 116; Arnold, 1917: 370; Wheeler, 1922: 888; Emery, 1924f: 227.
#258646 Junior synonym of Meranoplus magrettii: Bolton, 1981a: 55; Bolton, 1995b: 251.