This history item belongs to Crematogaster (Decacrema) borneensis subsp. macarangae Viehmeyer, 1916

Its current taxon owner(s) is Crematogaster borneensis macarangae

Subspecies of Crematogaster borneensis: Emery, 1922c: 138; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 95; Bolton, 1995b: 157; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 45.

Subspecies of {tax 435283}: {ref 124756}: 138; {ref 123583}: 95; {ref 122860}: 157; {ref 132946}: 45.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2021-07-29
  • Updated at: 2021-07-29
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Crematogaster borneensis macarangae Subspecies Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Crematogaster borneensis André, 1896
Other history items belonging to Crematogaster (Decacrema) borneensis subsp. macarangae
#297723 (selected) Subspecies of Crematogaster borneensis: Emery, 1922c: 138; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 95; Bolton, 1995b: 157; Pfeiffer et al., 2011: 45.
#276088 Junior synonym of Crematogaster borneensis: Feldhaar et al., 2016: 665