This history item belongs to Allomerus octoarticulatus var. demerarae Wheeler, 1935

Its current taxon owner(s) is Allomerus octoarticulatus demerarae

Subspecies of Allomerus octoarticulatus: Kempf, 1972b: 19; Bolton, 1995b: 61.

Subspecies of {tax 430747}: {ref 126357}: 19; {ref 122860}: 61.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2022-01-14
  • Updated at: 2022-01-14
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Allomerus octoarticulatus demerarae Subspecies Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Allomerus octoarticulatus Mayr, 1878
Other history items belonging to Allomerus octoarticulatus var. demerarae
#243948 [Allomerus octoarticulatus var. demerarae Wheeler, 1929i: 343. Nomen nudum].
#300314 [Also described as new, as Allomerus decemarticulatus subsp. octoarticulatus var. demerarae Wheeler, 1942: 200; unavailable (infrasubspecific) name.]
#243949 Wheeler, 1942: 200 (w.q.m.)
#300315 As unavailable (infrasubspecific) name: Ettershank, 1966: 113.
#300316 (selected) Subspecies of Allomerus octoarticulatus: Kempf, 1972b: 19; Bolton, 1995b: 61.
#243950 Junior synonym of Allomerus octoarticulatus: Fernández, 2007a: 168.