This history item belongs to Tapinoma setiferum Emery, 1900
Its current taxon owner(s) is Technomyrmex setiferum
Status as species: Emery, 1913a: 42; Karavaiev, 1926d: 440; Wheeler, 1927h: 99; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 194; Shattuck, 1994: 167; Bolton, 1995b: 403.
Status as species: {ref 124711}: 42; {ref 126249}: 440; {ref 130192}: 99; {ref 123583}: 194; {ref 128601}: 167; {ref 122860}: 403.
Tapinoma setiferum | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Technomyrmex setiferum (Emery, 1900)
Technomyrmex setiferum | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Technomyrmex pratensis (Smith, 1860)
#271779 | Combination in Technomyrmex: Wheeler, 1927h: 99. |
#302843 (selected) | Status as species: Emery, 1913a: 42; Karavaiev, 1926d: 440; Wheeler, 1927h: 99; Chapman & Capco, 1951: 194; Shattuck, 1994: 167; Bolton, 1995b: 403. |
#271780 | Junior synonym of Technomyrmex pratensis: Bolton, 2007b: 95; Jaitrong & Yamane, 2024: 92. |