This history item belongs to Oecophthora perniciosa Gerstäcker, 1859
Its current taxon owner(s) is Pheidole perniciosa
Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 31; Mayr, 1863a: 441; Dalla Torre, 1893: 94.
Status as species: {ref 128094}: 31; {ref 127213}: 441; {ref 124002}: 94.
Oecophthora perniciosa | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pheidole perniciosa (Gerstäcker, 1859)
Pheidole perniciosa | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Pheidole megacephala (Fabricius, 1793)
#265044 | [Also described as new by Gerstäcker, 1862: 516.] |
#265045 | Combination in Pheidole: Roger, 1863b: 31. |
#304597 (selected) | Status as species: Roger, 1863b: 31; Mayr, 1863a: 441; Dalla Torre, 1893: 94. |
#265046 | Junior synonym of Pheidole megacephala: Emery, 1915i: 235; Emery, 1921c: 85; Wheeler, 1922: 813; Bolton, 1995b: 327; Eguchi, 2001b: 77; Zhou, 2001a: 127; Eguchi, 2008: 55; Fischer & Fisher, 2013: 333; Sarnat et al., 2015: 50. |