This history item belongs to Pseudomyrma mordax Warming, 1894

Its current taxon owner(s) is Pseudomyrmex mordax

Lectotype designation: Ward, 1999b: 497.

Lectotype designation: {ref 132567}: 497.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2022-09-10
  • Updated at: 2022-09-10
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Pseudomyrma mordax Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pseudomyrmex mordax (Warming, 1894)
Pseudomyrmex mordax Species Valid
Other history items belonging to Pseudomyrma mordax
#305299 (selected) Lectotype designation: Ward, 1999b: 497.
#268917 Combination in Pseudomyrmex: Ward, 1999b: 497.
#268916 Status as species: Ward, 1999b: 497 (redescription); Ward, 2019: 1106.
#268918 Senior synonym of Pseudomyrmex arborissanctae symbiotica: Ward, 1999b: 497.
#279262 Material of the unavailable names Pseudomyrmex arborissanctae symbiotica loewensohni, Pseudomyrmex arborissanctae symbiotica panamensis referred here by Ward, 1999b: 497.