This history item belongs to Camponotus (Myrmophyma) capito var. ebeninithorax Forel, 1915

Its current taxon owner(s) is Camponotus capito ebeninithorax

Subspecies of Camponotus capito: Emery, 1925d: 110; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 110; Taylor, 1987a: 11; Bolton, 1995b: 97; McArthur, 2007b: 317; Heterick, 2009: 65; McArthur, 2010: 44; McArthur, 2014: 100.

Subspecies of {tax 432205}: {ref 124775}: 110; {ref 129218}: 110; {ref 129202}: 11; {ref 122860}: 97; {ref 131857}: 317; {ref 131481}: 65; {ref 132766}: 44; {ref 143132}: 100.
  • Item type: taxt
  • Created at: 2022-11-24
  • Updated at: 2022-11-24
Related records
Taxa belonging to this history item's protonym
Camponotus capito ebeninithorax Subspecies Valid
Other history items belonging to Camponotus (Myrmophyma) capito var. ebeninithorax
#306816 [Misspelled as ebenithorax by Heterick, 2009: 65.]
#306815 [Misspelled as ebinithorax by McArthur, 2007b: 317; McArthur, 2010: 44.]
#306817 (selected) Subspecies of Camponotus capito: Emery, 1925d: 110; Taylor & Brown, 1985: 110; Taylor, 1987a: 11; Bolton, 1995b: 97; McArthur, 2007b: 317; Heterick, 2009: 65; McArthur, 2010: 44; McArthur, 2014: 100.