This history item belongs to Rhytidoponera Mayr, 1862
Its current taxon owner(s) is Rhytidoponera
[Ritidoponera: incorrect subsequent spelling by Santschi, 1932d: 11.]
[{misspelling <i>Ritidoponera</i>}: incorrect subsequent spelling by {ref 128404}: 11.]
Ectatomma (Rhytidoponera) | Subgenus |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Rhytidoponera Mayr, 1862
Rhytidoponera | Genus | Valid |
Rhytidoponera (Rhytidoponera) | Subgenus |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete classification of Rhytidoponera Mayr, 1862