Closed issue: Cleanup "uncommon type taxts"
Added by Fredrik Palmkron about 5 years ago — Closed by Fredrik Palmkron

See this database script for more info: Error: Could not find database script with class name 'TaxaWithUncommonTypeTaxts'

In scope of the Great Normalization, required for Error: Could not find database script with class name 'MoveTypeTaxonToProtonymByScript'

Some records can be fixed by removing content before the "common type taxt" (like ", by original designation."); the "Clear!" button can be used for this.

Homonym details cannot be fully generated from what we have in the database, so for example:

> (junior secondary homonym in Camponotus; replacement name: Camponotus repens), by monotypy.

would become just:

> (homonym replaced by Camponotus repens), by monotypy.

Hopefully this information already appears (hardcoded and duplicated!) in history items. We have to de-dupe and normalize those items too at some point, but we don't have to do it now. If we want to make sure none of this data is lost while cleaning up uncommon type taxts, then we could add new db columns for this before fixing homonym cases.

For some items the generated type expansion disagrees regarding status, like "obsolete combination of" instead of "junior synonym of". These can be fixed by editing relevant taxon records. Such taxa may also appear in Error: Could not find database script with class name 'ObsoleteCombinationsWithProtonymsNotMatchingItsCurrentValidTaxonsProtonym' or Obsolete combinations with very different epithets taxa names combinations obsolete-combinations slow-render