Emery, C. 1920c. [Review of: Forel, A. 1920. Les fourmis de la Suisse. Seconde édition. La Chaux-de-Fonds: Imprimerie Cooperative, xvi + 333 pp.]. Rivista di Biologia (Rome) 2:527-528.
Emery, C. 1924d. [Review of: Wheeler, W. M. 1923. Social life among the insects. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., vii + 375 pp.]. Rivista di Biologia (Rome) 6:222-223.
Emery, C. 1924g. [Review of: Wheeler, W. M. (with the collaboration of J. Bequaert, I. W. Bailey, F. Santschi and W. M. Mann) 1922. Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition. A contribution to the myrmecology of Africa. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 45:1-1139.]. Rivista di Biologia (Rome) 6:533-534.
Ghigi, A. 1925. Carlo Emery. Rivista di Biologia (Rome) 7:711-739.