Radchenko, A. G.; Perkovsky, E. E. 2021. Wheeler's dilemma revisited: first Oecophylla–Lasius syninclusion and other ants syninclusions in the Bitterfeld amber (late Eocene). Invertebrate Zoology 18 (1):47-65.
10.15298/invert-zool.18.1.05 PDF
Notes: Age of Bitterfeld amber remains equivocal between late Eocene and Oligocene |
Satria, R.; Eguchi, K. 2024. Notes on the genus Myrmoteras Forel, 1893 (Formicidae: Formicinae) from Sumatra: a new species, new record and new description of queens. Invertebrate Zoology 21 (2):210-220.
10.15298/ invertzool.21.2.08 PDF