Protonym: Crematogaster impressa
Authorship Emery, 1899d: 486
Forms w.q.
Bioregion Afrotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: syntype workers, syntype queens (numbers not stated). Primary type locality: Cameroon: (no further data) (Conradt) (by restriction of Wheeler, 1922: 837). Primary type depository: MSNG (perhaps also in MRHN). Primary type specimen: CASENT0904517.
Type notes Other syntype localities: Democratic Republic of Congo (“Bas Congo”): (no further data) (Seeldrayers), Ivory Coast: Bassam (Bonhoure).
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Crematogaster excisa impressa Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Crematogaster impressa Emery, 1899
Crematogaster impressa Species Valid Original combination