Protonym: Atta destructor
Authorship Jerdon, 1851: 105
Forms w.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality INDIA
Primary type information Primary type material: syntype workers (number not stated). Primary type locality: India: (no further data) “common in all parts of India…very destructive and troublesome to the naturalist” (T.C. Jerdon). Primary type depository: no type-material known to exist.
Type notes Sharaf et al., 2016a: 16, accidentally refer to the lectotype of Trichomyrmex vexator as the lectotype of Trichomyrmex destructor.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Atta destructor Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon, 1851)
Original combination
Monomorium destructor Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Trichomyrmex destructor (Jerdon, 1851)
Trichomyrmex destructor Species Valid