Protonym: Pheidole ursus r. gauthieri
Authorship Forel, 1901j: 367
Forms w.
Bioregion Neotropic
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype minor worker. Primary type locality: Colombia: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, on San Antonio-Dibulla path, “a place called La Cueva”, 1896 (A. Forel). Primary type depository: MHNG.
Type notes Wilson, 2003a: 693, designated the specimen as lectotype, but Forel, 1901j said he had only “a single example” in the original description.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Pheidole gauthieri Species Valid
Pheidole ursus gauthieri Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pheidole gauthieri Forel, 1901
Original combination