Protonym: Pheidole susannae r. longipes
Authorship Pergande, 1896: 885
Forms s.w.
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality MEXICO (Baja California)
Primary type information Primary type material: 16 syntype major workers, syntype minor workers (number not stated, “numerous”). Primary type locality: Mexico: Baja California Sur, Sierra San Lazaro, Cape Region, ix.1894 (G. Eisen & Vaslit). Primary type depository: USNM.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Pheidole longipes Species Homonym
homonym replaced by Pheidole grallipes Wheeler, 1916
Pheidole susannae longipes Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pheidole longipes Pergande, 1896
Original combination