Protonym: Pristomyrmex schoedli
Authorship Zettel, 2006: 64, figs. 5-7
Forms w.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality PHILIPPINES (Leyte)
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Philippines: Leyte, Baybay, Leyte State University, ca 50-100 m., Calbiga-a River, 20-21.iii.2005, #422 (H. Zettel & C. Pangantihon). Primary type depository: NHMW. Primary type specimen: CASENT0919751.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 129 paratype workers. Secondary type localities: 119 paratype workers with same data as holotype, 2 paratype workers Leyte, Baybay, VISCA, 50 m., above Forestry Dept. stream, 11.ii.2000, #235 (H. Zettel), 2 paratype workers with same data as last but #14 (S. Schödl), 1 paratype worker, Leyte, Baybay, VISCA, 50 m., 31.i.2000, #222 (H. Zettel), 5 paratype workers Baybay, Leyte State Univ., ca 50 m., Lago-Lago River, 19.iii.2005, #421 (H. Zettel & C. Pangantihon). Secondary type depositories: HSZC, NHMW, UPLB, USCC.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Pristomyrmex schoedli Species Valid Original combination