Authorship | Mayr, 1883a: 247 |
Forms | q.m. |
Bioregion | Indomalaya |
Locality | INDONESIA (Sumatra) |
Primary type information | Primary type material: syntype queens, syntype males (numbers not stated). Primary type localities: Indonesia: Sumatra, Ajer Boesoek, Silago, Solok, Moeara, Laboe, Laboe gedang, and Palembang (no collectors’ names). Primary type depository: NHMW. Primary type specimen: CASENT0915729. |
Prenolepis sumatrensis | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pseudolasius sumatrensis (Mayr, 1883)
Original combination |
Pseudolasius sumatrensis | Species | Valid |