Protonym: Pseudomyrma ejecta
Authorship Smith, 1858a: 157
Forms w.
Locality UNKNOWN
Primary type information Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Ward, 1985b: 231). Primary type locality: unknown, lectotype "Hab. -- ?”; Smith, 1858a says “the habitat is probably Brazil". Primary type depository: BMNH.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 1 paralectotype worker. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depository: BMNH.
Type notes Type locality is discussed by Ward, 1985b: 232, who says “It seems likely that the types of Pseudomyrmex ejectus came from the United States or Central America rather than Brazil”.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Pseudomyrma ejecta Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Pseudomyrmex ejectus (Smith, 1858)
Original combination
Pseudomyrmex ejectus Species Valid