Protonym: Sericomyrmex lutzi
Authorship Wheeler, 1916c: 9
Forms w.q.m.
Bioregion Neotropic
Locality GUYANA
Primary type information Primary type material: lectotype worker (by designation of Ješovnik & Schultz, 2017a: 52). Primary type locality: lectotype Guyana (“British Guiana”): Roraima, nr Kauwa Creek [5.223, -60.73], 13.viii.1911, AC 3097, (AMNH Expd.) (A. Crampton). Primary type depository: MCZC. Primary type specimen: MCZ 12-14 21139 (lectotype; topmost worker on the pin).
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 5 paralectotype workers, 2 paralectotype queens, 1 paralectotype male. Secondary type locality: same as for lectotype. Secondary type depositories: AMNH, MCZC, MZSP.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Sericomyrmex lutzi Species Valid Original combination