Authorship | Bernard, 1950a: 10 |
Forms | w.q.m. |
Bioregion | Palearctic |
Locality | FRANCE |
Primary type information | Primary type material: 3 syntype major workers, 11 syntype minor workers, 4 syntype queens, 1 syntype male. Primary type locality: France: Pyrénées Orientales, Banyuls, slope between col de Cerris and coast road, N exposure, 70 m., 27.viii.1941 (F. Bernard). Primary type depository: MNHN. |
Type notes | Galkowski et al., 2010: 157, cite 5 worker, 2 queen, 1 male syntypes in MNHN, all dated viii.1941, but these include specimens from Bernard, 1950a’s “cotype” series. |
Solenopsis banyulensis | Species |
junior synonym of current valid taxon Solenopsis fugax (Latreille, 1798)
Solenopsis emeryi banyulensis | Subspecies |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Solenopsis banyulensis Bernard, 1950
Original combination |