Protonym: Solenopsis fugax subsp. orientalis
Authorship Ruzsky, 1905b: 509, figs. 111, 112
Forms w.q.m.
Bioregion Palearctic
Primary type information Primary type material: syntype workers, syntype queens, syntype males (numbers not stated). Primary type locality: Khazakhstan: Baskan river valley, Dzungaria Alatau, 13.viii.1902 (Sanozhnikov) (by restriction of Pisarski, 1967a: 400). Primary type depository: ZMUM.
Type notes Ruzsky, 1905b: 511, provides a long list of syntype localities in European Russia, Siberia, Crimea, the Caucasus and “Turkestan”.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Solenopsis fugax orientalis Subspecies Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Solenopsis orientalis Ruzsky, 1905
Original combination
Solenopsis orientalis Species Synonym
junior synonym of current valid taxon Solenopsis fugax (Latreille, 1798)