Authorship | Brown, 1958d: 70, figs. 1-3 |
Forms | w.q. |
Bioregion | Palearctic |
Locality | JAPAN |
Primary type information | Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Japan: Kyushu, Prov. Chikugo, Korasan, 25.ix. 1955 (S. Miyamoto). Primary type depository: KUEC. |
Secondary type information | Secondary type material: 1 paratype worker, 1 paratype queen. Secondary type localities: 1 paratype worker with same data as holotype, 1 paratype queen Japan: Honshu, Numazu City, Sige-toge, 22.v.1949, ca250 m., under stone (K. Okano). Secondary type depositories: KUEC, MCZC. |
Epitritus hexamerus | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Strumigenys hexamera (Brown, 1958)
Original combination |
Strumigenys hexamera | Species | Valid |