Protonym: Strumigenys hypoturba
Authorship Bolton, 2000: 809
Forms w.q.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality INDIA (Tamil Nadu)
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: India: Madras, Nilgiri, 6 km. E Coonoor, 1400 m., 22.xi.1972, no. 42 (C. Besuchet & I. Löbl). Primary type depository: MHNG.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 9 paratype workers, 2 paratype queens. Secondary type localities: 5 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen with same data as holotype but year given as 1973 (C. Besuchet, I. Löbl & R. Mussard), 3 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen with same data as holotype but 1600m., no. 43, 1 paratype worker Madras, Nilgiri, Halical nr Coonoor, 1600 m., 22.xi.1972 (C. Besuchet, I. Löbl & R. Mussard). Secondary type depositories: BMNH, MCZC, MHNG.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Strumigenys hypoturba Species Valid Original combination