Authorship | Forel, 1907i: 84 |
Forms | w.m. |
Bioregion | Afrotropic |
Locality | TANZANIA |
Primary type information | Primary type material: lectotype worker (designated by Bolton, 2007b: 41). Primary type locality: lectotype Tanzania (“Ostafrika”): Fundu I. (W Pemba I.) (A. Voeltzkow) (invalid restriction of type locality by Wheeler, 1922: 925; no lectotype designated). Primary type depository: ZMHB. Primary type specimen: CASENT0104644. |
Type notes | Other original syntype: 1 worker Kenya: Malindi (A. Voeltzkow), excluded from type series (Bolton, 2007b: 41). |
Tapinoma voeltzkowi | Species |
Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Technomyrmex voeltzkowi (Forel, 1907)
Original combination |
Technomyrmex voeltzkowi | Species | Valid |