Protonym: Sima binghami
Authorship Forel, 1902c: 243
Forms w.q.m.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality MYANMAR, INDIA (Assam, Maharashtra)
Primary type information Primary type material: 20 syntype workers, 1 syntype queen, 4 syntype males. Primary type localities: 6 workers, 1 queen, 3 males Myanmar (“Burma”): Moulmain (Hodgson), 3 workers Myanmar (“Burma”): Ye Valley (C.T. Bingham), 8 workers, 1 male India: Assam (Smythies), 3 workers India: North Konkan (Wroughton). Primary type depositories: MHNG, MSNG, NHMB.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Sima binghami Species Obsolete combination
an obsolete combination of Tetraponera binghami (Forel, 1902)
Original combination
Tetraponera binghami Species Valid