Authorship |
Chaul, 2023:
225, figs. 1-4
Forms |
w. |
Bioregion |
Neotropic |
Locality |
BRAZIL (Minas Gerais) |
Etymology |
The specific epithet honors the late Flaviana Heloisa da Silva Caetano, a young Brazilian undergraduate student from the Universidade Federal de Viçosa, whose untimely death during the COVID-19 pandemic saddened all her colleagues in the biology course. The name was created by adding the singular Latin genitive case suffix -ae to the first name of a female person. The orthography of an eponym is unchangeable and does not depend on the generic name for which the epithet is used. |
Primary type information |
Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Brazil: Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Mata do Paraíso, -20.803959 -42.855107, 13.ii.2017, Berlesate (P. Borlini). Primary type depository: CELC. Primary type specimen: ANTWEB1032460. |
Secondary type information |
Secondary type material: paratype workers (number not stated but presumably 2). Secondary type localities: Brazil: Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Fragmento Florestal, 1994 (Sperber, Lopes and Louzada); Brazil: Minas Gerais, Viçosa, Mata do Paraíso, -20.803146 -42.856782, 21.viii.2017, Winkler sample (M.N. Moura, R. Micolino). Secondary type depositories: CELC, MZSP. Secondary type specimens: ANTWEB1032112, ANTWEB1032422. |
Type notes |
The paratype specimen ANTWEB1032112 was donated to MZSP by CELC (Mônica Antunes Ulysséa). |