Protonym: Myrmica surusumi
Authorship Terayama et al., 2024: 75, figs. 1-7, 13, 14, 41-43
Forms w.q.m.
Bioregion Palearctic
Locality JAPAN
Etymology The specific epithet is the old Japanese noun Surusumi, which means Chinese calligraphy ink or black, referring to the dark coloration of the body.
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: Japan: Nagano-ken, Chino-shi, Kitayama, 25.viii.2021 (R. Kitazawa) [KR525]. Primary type depository: NIAS.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 43 paratype workers, 16 paratype queens, 24 paratype males. Secondary type localities: 2 paratype workers, 3 paratype queens with same data as holotype; 3 paratype workers, 3 paratype queens, 1 paratype male with same data as holotype but 25.xiii.2021 (Kitazawa) [KR526]; 3 paratype workers, 3 paratype queens, 3 paratype males Japan: Nagano-ken, Koumi-machi, 24.viii.2021 (R. Kitazawa) [KR524]; 4 paratype workers Japan: Gifu-ken, Takayamashi, Takane-cho, 12.ix.2015 (K. Kinomura) [KR506]; 2 paratype workers Japan: Nagano-ken, Ina-shi, Hase, viii.2021 (R. Kitazawa) [KR527]; 2 paratype workers with same data as previous but [KR528]; 5 paratype workers, 1 paratype queen, 4 paratype males Japan: Yamanashi-ken, Kofu-shi, Kamiobina-cho, 18. viii. 2023 (R. Kitazawa) [KR592]; 11 paratype workers, 6 paratype queens, 16 paratype males Japan: Hokkaido, Kamifurano-cho, Fukiage, 1.ix.2022 (Kitazawa) [KR590]; 8 paratype workers with same data as previous but [KR591]; 1 paratype worker Japan: Hokkaido, Mashike-cho, Betsukari, 2.ix.2022 (R. Kitazawa); 2 paratype workers Japan: Hokkaido, Tomakomaishi, Nishikioka, 4.ix.2022 (R. Kitazawa). Secondary type depository: NIAS.
Type notes The date '25.xiii.2021' for the 3 paratype workers, 3 paratype queens, and 1 paratype male from the holotype locality is obviously incorrect. According to personal communication with M. Terayama, the correct date is '25.viii.2021'. These specimens thus have the same data as the holotype and only differ in their collection code.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Myrmica surusumi Species Valid Original combination