Protonym: Brachyponera paraarcuata
Authorship Chen et al., 2025: 274, fig. 28A-C
Forms w.
Bioregion Indomalaya
Locality CHINA (Yunnan)
Etymology The specific epithet *paraarcuata* is a compound word meaning “similar to *arcuata*”.
Primary type information Primary type material: holotype worker. Primary type locality: China: Yunnan Province, Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture, Lvchun County, Banpo Township, Bayanhongdong, 24.63598°N, 102.34737°E, 1258 m above sea level, from soil in a monsoon evergreen broadleaf forest, 10.X.2023 (Bolun Li). Primary type depository: KIZ. Primary type specimen: KIZ20231657.
Secondary type information Secondary type material: 4 paratype workers. Secondary type locality: same as for holotype. Secondary type depositories: SWFU, GXNU. Secondary type specimens: KIZ20231657A to KIZ20231657D.
Taxa belonging to this protonym
Brachyponera paraarcuata Species Valid Original combination