Name Authorship Pages Forms Locality Notes
Acalama Smith, 1949a 206
Acalama donisthorpei Smith, 1949a 207, figs. 1, 2 w. INDIA (Sikkim)
Acamatus Emery, 1894d 181 [as subgenus of Eciton]
Acanthidris Weber, 1941a 188
Acanthidris isthmicus Weber, 1941a 188, figs. 4-7 w. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Acanthoclinea Wheeler, 1935c 69 [as subgenus of Dolichoderus]
Acanthognathus Mayr, 1887 567 (diagnosis in key), 578
Acanthognathus brevicornis Smith, 1944c 151 w.q. PANAMA (Barro Colorado)
Acanthognathus laevigatus Galvis & Fernández, 2009 246, figs. 2-4 w. COLOMBIA
Acanthognathus lentus Mann, 1922 34, fig. 16 w.q. HONDURAS
Acanthognathus ocellatus Mayr, 1887 579 w. BRAZIL (Santa Catarina)
Acanthognathus poinari Baroni Urbani, 1994c 41, figs. 20, 21, 26, 27 q. DOMINICAN REPUBLIC (Dominican Amber, Miocene)
Acanthognathus rudis Brown & Kempf, 1969 100, figs. 1, 2, 4-10 w.q.m. BRAZIL (São Paulo)
Acanthognathus stipulosus Brown & Kempf, 1969 104, fig. 3 w. BRAZIL (Amazonas)
Acanthognathus teledectus Brown & Kempf, 1969 105, fig. 11 w. COLOMBIA
Acantholepis Mayr, 1861 42
Acantholepis (Acrostigma) australis Forel, 1902j 479 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Acrostigma) bosii Forel, 1902j 481 w.q. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Acrostigma) clivispina Forel, 1902j 482 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Acrostigma) froggatti Forel, 1902j 478 w.q.m. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Pseudacantholepis) Bernard, 1953b 256 Attributed to Santschi.
Acantholepis (Pseudacantholepis) fervida Bernard, 1953b 257 Attributed to Santschi.
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) aemula Forel, 1907j 298 w. AUSTRALIA (Western Australia)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) aemula var. intacta Viehmeyer, 1925a 34 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) foreli Viehmeyer, 1925a 34 w.q.m. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) fossulata Viehmeyer, 1925a 34 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) medioreticulata Viehmeyer, 1925a 32 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) occidentalis Crawley, 1922e 30 w. AUSTRALIA (Western Australia)
Acantholepis (Stigmacros) pilosella Viehmeyer, 1925a 33 w. AUSTRALIA (New South Wales)
Acantholepis affinis Santschi, 1937a 63, figs. 13-15 w. KENYA
Acantholepis ajjer Bernard, 1953a 181, fig. 7 w.m. ALGERIA
Acantholepis albata Santschi, 1935a 269, figs. 11-13 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Acantholepis alexis Santschi, 1937d 239 w. ZIMBABWE
Acantholepis alexis st. dulcis Santschi, 1937d 239, figs. 37-40 w. ANGOLA
Acantholepis ambigua Santschi, 1935a 270, figs. 15-18 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Acantholepis angolensis Santschi, 1937d 238, fig. 43 w. ANGOLA
Acantholepis annandelei Mukerjee, 1930 156, fig. 4 w. INDIA (Himachal Pradesh)
Acantholepis arabica Collingwood, 1985 293, fig. 89 w. SAUDI ARABIA
Acantholepis arenaria Arnold, 1920a 560, fig. 56 w. ZIMBABWE
Acantholepis arnoldi Forel, 1913a 142 w. ZIMBABWE
Acantholepis arnoldi st. mota Santschi, 1937d 241, figs. 30, 31 w. ANGOLA
Acantholepis aurea Karavaiev, 1933a 306, fig. 2 w. INDONESIA (Java)
Acantholepis aurea subsp. punctaticeps Wheeler, 1935b 46 w. PHILIPPINES (Luzon)
Acantholepis canescens var. latior Santschi, 1935a 268 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Acantholepis capensis Mayr, 1862 699, 770 w.m. SOUTH AFRICA
Acantholepis capensis r. hirsuta var. elevata Forel, 1914d 249 w. ZIMBABWE
Acantholepis capensis r. incisa Forel, 1913b 338 w. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
Acantholepis capensis r. junodi Forel, 1916 438 w. SOUTH AFRICA
Acantholepis capensis r. laevis var. alexis Arnold, 1920a 573 w. ZIMBABWE
Acantholepis capensis st. canescens var. anodon Santschi, 1933b 107 w. KENYA