Title Two new species of Gnamptogenys, and an account of millipede predation by one of them.
Pagination 275-289
Year 1993 ("1992")
Date 1993-06-02
Type Article reference
Bolton key
Journal Psyche (Cambridge)
Series/volume/issue 99
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Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Gnamptogenys ingeborgae Brown, 1993 279, figs. 3-7 Species Obsolete combination Original combination
Gnamptogenys lineolata Brown, 1993 275, figs. 1, 2 Species Obsolete combination Original combination
Poneracantha ingeborgae Brown, 1993 279, figs. 3-7 Species Valid
Poneracantha lineolata Brown, 1993 275, figs. 1, 2 Species Valid