Baroni Urbani, C. 1999a. [Untitled. Cephalotes poinari Baroni Urbani new species.]. Pp. 296-298 in: De Andrade, M. L.; Baroni Urbani, C. 1999. Diversity and adaptation in the ant genus Cephalotes, past and present. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde. Serie B (Geologie und Paläontologie) 271:1-889. PDF
Title [Untitled. Cephalotes poinari Baroni Urbani new species.].
Pagination Pp. 296-298 in:
Year 1999a
Date 1999-05
Type Nested reference
Bolton key
Nested in De Andrade & Baroni Urbani, 1999
PDF link PDF
Taxa originally described in this reference (including combinations)
Note: taxa described in nested references of this reference are not included here.
Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Cephalotes poinari Baroni Urbani, 1999a 296, figs. 14D, 126 Species Valid Original combination