Search by | Examples | Notes |
Any field | nylanderia | No keyword required |
Title | title:leach | Compare: title:leach / author:leach / leach |
Title (more than one word) | title:"solenopsis invicta" | Wrap query in single or double quotes |
Publication year | year:2009 | |
Publication year (range) | year:2000-2009 | |
Author | author:wilson | Authors are indexed by last name and initials. If you cannot find what you're looking for, try searching without the first name. |
Author (names containing spaces) | author:'De Andrade' | Wrap name in single or double quotes |
Author (exact match) | author:"Smith, D. R." | Manually type the name, or start typing and click on one of the suggestions |
Author (multiple authors) | author:'Bolton, B.; Fisher, B. L.' | Use semicolons between names |
DOI | doi:10.11865/zs.201806 | Requires an exact match. Using this keyword is the only way to search for DOIs. |
Reference type | type:nested | |
Combining keywords | author:wilson year:1970-1979 | |
Queries containing diacritics | hölldobler or holldobler | |
Journal | zootaxa | To see all references linked to a journal, go to the journal's page by following the link on a reference's page or in the list of journals. |