Gunsalam, G. 1999. A preliminary survey and assessment of ant (Formicidae: Hymenoptera) fauna of Bario, Kelabit Highlands Sarawak. ASEAN Review of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation 3: Article 1 (http: // 6 pp.
Günther, A. (ed.) 1867. The record of zoological literature. 1866. Volume third. London: John van Voorst, x + 649 pp.
Hahn, C. W. 1832. Die Wanzenartigen Insecten. Getreu nach der Natur abgebildet und beschrieben. Band I, Heft 3. Nürnberg: Zeh, pp. 81-118. PDF

Notes: Publication date from Sherborn (1914). See also Bergroth (1919).

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