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Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1985. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the Bolshoi Khekhtsir Reserve. [In Russian.]. Pp. 76-84 in: Ler, P. A.; Storozhenko, S. Y. (eds.) 1985. Taxonomy and ecology of arthropods from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Far Eastern Scientific Centre, 132 pp.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"). Title page dated 1985.

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1986a. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) of the group Myrmica lobicornis Nylander from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Pp. 83-90 in: Ler, P. A. (ed.) 1986. Systematics and ecology of insects from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 155 pp. PDF

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1986b. Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) from the northern part of the Far East. [In Russian.]. Pp. 91-102 in: Ler, P. A. (ed.) 1986. Systematics and ecology of insects from the Far East. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 155 pp. PDF

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1987. Biotopic distribution, nesting and feeding area of Liometopum orientalis (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Primorye Territory. [In Russian.]. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal 66:1321-1327.

Notes: September issue. Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"): 18 August 1987.

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1988. A Far Eastern representative of the genus Liometopum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). [In Russian.]. Vestnik Zoologii 1988(1):29-34. PDF

Notes: January-February issue. Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"): 26 January 1988.

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1989. Ants of the subgenus Dendrolasius Ruzsky, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, genus Lisius [sic] Fabricius, 1804) of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 68:779-789. PDF

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"). Translated in Entomological Review (Washington) 69(4):99-111. See Kupyanskaya (1990b).

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990a. Ants of the Far Eastern USSR. [In Russian.]. Vladivostok: Akademiya Nauk SSSR, 258 pp.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati").

Kupyanskaya, A. N. 1990b. Ants of the subgenus Dendrolasius Ruzsky, 1912 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae, genus Lasius Fabricius, 1804) from the Soviet Far East. Entomological Review (Washington) 69(4):99-111.

Notes: English translation of Kupyanskaya (1989).

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Notes: Formicidae pp. 138-139.