Reznikova, Z. I. 1980. Stability of the structure of multispecific associations of steppe ants in different natural zones. [In Russian.]. Trudy Biologicheskogo Instituta (Novosibirsk) 40:116-130.

Notes: Signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati") 19 December 1979. Title page dated 1980.

Reznikova, Z. I.; Samoshilova, N. M. 1981a. The role of ants as predators in steppe biocenoses. [In Russian.]. Ekologiya (Moscow) 12(1):69-75.

Notes: Date signed for printing ("podpisano k pechati"). Translated in Sov. J. Ecol. 12:55-60. See Reznikova & Samoshilova (1981b).

Reznikova, Z. I.; Samoshilova, N. M. 1981b. The role of ants as predators in steppe biocenoses. Soviet Journal of Ecology 12:55-60.

Notes: English translation of Reznikova & Samoshilova (1981a).

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