Name: Brian Fisher editor

This user has an author page on Fisher, B. L.

Brian Fisher's most recent activity
Brian Fisher edited the reference Mackay & MacKay, 2018 History uuid 2 days ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference Latreille, 1798 History uuid 22 days ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference Luederwaldt, 1926b History uuid about 1 month ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference Luederwaldt, 1926a History uuid about 1 month ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference Dietz & Brandão, 1993 History uuid about 2 months ago
Brian Fisher's most recent comments
Brian Fisher commented on the feedback #435: "Monica, I changed your login to editor; do you want to make the edits yourself?" 5 months ago
Brian Fisher commented on the feedback #421: "I updated the spelling to oertzeni" 9 months ago
Brian Fisher commented on the feedback #413: "resolved" about 1 year ago
Brian Fisher commented on the feedback #410: "The correct pdf was uploaded. " about 1 year ago
Brian Fisher commented on the site notice Hover previews for AntWeb specimen links (AntCat 3.7.18): "maybe change link previous to..." over 1 year ago