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Brian Fisher edited the history item #244459 belonging to Aphaenogaster flemingi
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244455 belonging to Aphaenogaster fiorii
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244450 belonging to Aphaenogaster festae
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244438 belonging to Aphaenogaster exasperata
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244400 belonging to Aphaenogaster crocea croceoides
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244395 belonging to Aphaenogaster crocea
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244392 belonging to Aphaenogaster cristata
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244378 belonging to Aphaenogaster carolinensis
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #244372 belonging to Aphaenogaster carbonaria
Edit summary: [automatic] Replaced missing tags
History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Csősz, 2001 History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Collingwood & van Harten, 2001b History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Brandão et al., 2001 History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Yamane et al., 2002 History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Zhou & Huang, 2002 History uuid about 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Xu & Zhang, 2002 History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Messor vaucheri History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata added the history item #281708 belonging to Messor vaucheri History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the subspecies Messor aegyptiacus tunetinus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata added the history item #281707 belonging to Messor aegyptiacus tunetinus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the subspecies Messor aegyptiacus fossulatus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #281318 belonging to Messor foreli surcoufi History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Messor striatulus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259130 belonging to Messor striatulus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259128 belonging to Messor striatulus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259124 belonging to Messor striativentris History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the infrasubspecies Messor barbarus capitatus splendens History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata added the history item #281706 belonging to Messor barbarus capitatus splendens History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259113 belonging to Messor sordidus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259114 belonging to Messor sordidus History uuid about 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the history item #259112 belonging to Messor sordidus History uuid about 4 years ago