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Brian Fisher moved items belonging to Pachycondyla clarki to Austroponera clarki History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pachycondyla clarki History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Austroponera clarki to the genus Austroponera History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher moved items belonging to Pachycondyla bakeri to Neoponera bakeri History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pachycondyla bakeri History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Neoponera bakeri History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher moved items belonging to Formica pumila to Lasius pumilus History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Formica pumila History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Lasius pumilus to the genus Lasius History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the name record Lasius macrocephalus History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher moved items belonging to Formica macrocephala to Lasius macrocephalus History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Formica macrocephala History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Lasius macrocephalus History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Lasius macrocephalus to the genus Lasius History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher moved items belonging to Formica capito to Lasius capito History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Formica capito History uuid over 4 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Lasius capito to the genus Lasius History uuid over 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Heinze, 1999 History uuid over 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Fisher & Robertson, 1999 History uuid over 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Deyrup & Deyrup, 1999 History uuid over 4 years ago
Anna Gilg edited the reference Billen et al., 1999 History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Poneropsis fuliginosa History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Ponera fuliginosa History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Poneropsis fuliginosa History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Formica crepusculascens History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Tapinoma polita History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Formica wichita History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Examblyopone churchilli History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Renea testacea History uuid over 4 years ago
Sebastian D. Salata edited the species Hylidris laevigatus History uuid over 4 years ago