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Brian Fisher added the species Fulakora bierigi to the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Stigmatomma bierigi History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #270216 belonging to Stigmatomma bierigi History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Fulakora armigera to the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #270212 belonging to Stigmatomma armigerum History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Fulakora agostii History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #270207 belonging to Fulakora agostii History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Fulakora agostii to the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Fulakora minima to the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Paraprionopelta minima History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276187 belonging to Paraprionopelta minima History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Paraprionopelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference section #2438 belonging to Paraprionopelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Paraprionopelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Paraprionopelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276186 belonging to Paraprionopelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Ericapelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Ericapelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #242785 belonging to Ericapelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #242785 belonging to Ericapelta History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276185 belonging to Fulakora History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #270333 belonging to Bannapone zwaluwenburgi History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Stigmatomma scrobiceps to the genus Stigmatomma History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Bannapone scrobiceps History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276184 belonging to Bannapone scrobiceps History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #270299 belonging to Bannapone pertinax History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Stigmatomma mulanae to the genus Stigmatomma History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276183 belonging to Bannapone mulanae History about 8 years ago