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Brian Fisher added the history item #276083 [deleted] belonging to Crematogaster borneensis History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Crematogaster borneensis novem History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276082 belonging to Crematogaster borneensis novem History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Crematogaster borneensis symbia History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276081 belonging to Crematogaster borneensis symbia History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Crematogaster borneensis insulsa History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276080 belonging to Crematogaster borneensis insulsa History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Crematogaster borneensis harpyia History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276079 belonging to Crematogaster borneensis harpyia History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Crematogaster claudiae to the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Crematogaster linsenmairi to the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Crematogaster roslihashimi to the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Crematogaster hullettii to the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Crematogaster maryatii to the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the genus Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference section #2381 belonging to Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the reference section #2381 belonging to Crematogaster History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher started reviewing the reference Feldhaar et al., 2016 History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Cremastogaster Sjoestedti Kohliella History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Myrma Revoili History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone tecklini to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone mathinnae to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone hoelldobleri to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone titan to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone salomonis to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone philwardi to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone manni to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone enigmatica to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone wallaceana to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Metapone javana to the genus Metapone History about 8 years ago