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Brian Fisher deleted the history item #276132 belonging to Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole pallidula History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #265019 [deleted] belonging to Pheidole pallidula History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Pheidole pallidula inermis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #264688 belonging to Pheidole pallidula inermis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Pheidole pallidula recticeps History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276133 [deleted] belonging to Pheidole pallidula recticeps History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole pallidula History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #265018 belonging to Pheidole pallidula History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276132 [deleted] belonging to Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #265002 belonging to Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #265002 belonging to Pheidole pallidula orientalis History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the subspecies Pheidole pallidula obscura History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276131 belonging to Pheidole pallidula obscura History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole arenarum History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #264095 belonging to Pheidole arenarum History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole arenarum History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole koshewnikovi History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the history item #276130 belonging to Pheidole koshewnikovi History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276130 belonging to Pheidole koshewnikovi History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276129 belonging to Pheidole koshewnikovi History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher elevated the subspecies Pheidole pallidula koshewnikovi to the rank of species (now Pheidole koshewnikovi) History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole cicatricosa History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276128 [deleted] belonging to Pheidole cicatricosa History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the history item #276127 belonging to Pheidole cicatricosa History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher edited the species Pheidole cicatricosa History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher elevated the subspecies Pheidole pallidula cicatricosa to the rank of species (now Pheidole cicatricosa) History over 8 years ago
Brian Fisher added the species Pheidole balcanica to the genus Pheidole History over 8 years ago