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Flávia Esteves added the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri caloratus to the species Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the history item #276171 belonging to Camponotus gasseri caloratus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis gasseri subsp. caloratus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri caloratus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #247044 belonging to Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #247044 belonging to Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri lysias to the species Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the history item #276170 belonging to Camponotus gasseri lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri obtusitruncata History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #276169 belonging to Colobopsis gasseri obtusitruncata History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis grasseri var. lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Colobopsis grasseri lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis Gasseri var. Lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Colobopsis Gasseri Lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Camponotus lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Camponotus gasseri var. lysias History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri obtusitruncata to the species Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis gasseri subsp. obtusitruncata History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Colobopsis gasseri obtusitruncata History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Camponotus gasseri obtusitruncata History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis obtusitruncatus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the history item #246101 belonging to Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the history item #276169 belonging to Camponotus gasseri obtusitruncatus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the history item #248167 belonging to Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the history item #276168 belonging to Camponotus gasseri obtusitruncatus History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves added the species Colobopsis gasseri to the genus Colobopsis History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the history item #247043 belonging to Camponotus gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the species Colobopsis gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves deleted the subspecies Camponotus gasseri gasseri History over 8 years ago
Flávia Esteves edited the species Colobopsis flavolimbata History over 8 years ago