References by Jaisson, P.
Jaisson, P. 1970. Note préliminaire sur le polymorphisme sensoriel et l'existence d'un nouveau type de sensillum chez la fourmi champignonniste: Atta laevigata Fred. Smith. Comptes Rendus (Hebdomadaires) des Séances de l'Academie des Sciences. Série D. Sciences Naturelles 271:1192-1194.
Jaisson, P. (ed.) 1982. Social insects in the tropics. Volume 1. Paris: Université Paris-Nord, 280 pp.
Jaisson, P. (ed.) 1983. Social insects in the tropics. Volume 2. Paris: Université Paris-Nord, 252 pp.
Protonyms originally described by author

Found no protonyms described by this author.

Published between 1969–1998
Taxon descriptions between
No. of references 11
No. of described taxa (including combinations)
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations)
No. of described taxa (protonyms only)
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Jaisson, P. 11