References by Heer, O.
Heer, O. 1849. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweiter Theil: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, vi + 264 pp. PDF

Notes: Also published as Heer (1850). Heer (1849, 1850) frequently appended the words Radobojana or Oeningensis to binominals, often to several separate species in a single genus, for example his Formica obesa, F. pinguis, F. pinguicula, F. macrocephala. The locality names do not constitute part of the taxon name, but rather indicate the geographical provenance of the material, either Radoboj (Croatia), or Oeningen (Germany). Thus F. obesa Radobojana indicates his material of this species from Radoboj, while F. obesa Oeningensis refers to his material of the same species from Oeningen.

Heer, O. 1850. Die Insektenfauna der Tertiärgebilde von Oeningen und von Radoboj in Croatien. Zweite Abtheilung: Heuschrecken, Florfliegen, Aderflüger, Schmetterlinge und Fliegen. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 11(1):1-264. PDF

Notes: Heer (1849, 1850) frequently appended the words Radobojana or Oeningensis to binominals, often to several separate species in a single genus, for example his Formica obesa, F. pinguis, F. pinguicula, F. macrocephala. The locality names do not constitute part of the taxon name, but rather indicate the geographical provenance of the material, either Radoboj (Croatia), or Oeningen (Germany). Thus F. obesa Radobojana indicates his material of this species from Radoboj, while F. obesa Oeningensis refers to his material of the same species from Oeningen.

Heer, O. 1852. Ueber die Haus-Ameise Madeiras. Zürcherische Jugend. Naturforschende Gesellschaft 54:1-24. PDF
Heer, O. 1856a. On the house ant of Madeira (translated by R. T. Lowe). [part]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2)17:209-224.
Heer, O. 1856b. On the house ant of Madeira (translated by R. T. Lowe). [concl.]. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (2)17:322-333.
Heer, O. 1864. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. [Lieferungen 7-11.]. Zürich: Friedrich Schulthess, pp. 289-496.

Notes: Publication date from Evenhuis (1994b:504). Ants discussed and illustrated pp. 386-388.

Heer, O. 1867. Fossile Hymenopteren aus Oeningen und Radoboj. Neue Denkschriften der Allgemeinen Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 22(4):1-42. PDF
Heer, O. 1870. Die Miocene Flora und Fauna Spitzbergens. Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Handlingar (n.s. 3)8(7):1-98. PDF
Heer, O. 1879. Die Urwelt der Schweiz. Zweite, umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Zürich: Friedrich Schulthess, xix + 713 pp.

Notes: Ants pp. 412-414.

Protonyms originally described by author
Protonym Taxon Authorship Rank Status
Ponera croatica Liometopum croaticum Heer, 1849 Species Valid
Ponera elongatula Formica elongatula Heer, 1849 Species Synonym
Ponera fuliginosa Liometopum fuliginosum Heer, 1849 Species Synonym
Ponera globosa Liometopum globosum Heer, 1849 Species Valid
Ponera longaeva Liometopum longaevum Heer, 1849 Species Valid
Ponera ventrosa Liometopum ventrosum Heer, 1849 Species Valid
Myrmica obsoleta var. minor Myrmica obsoleta minor Heer, 1849 Subspecies Unidentifiable Original combination
Imhoffia Imhoffia Heer, 1850 Genus Valid
Oecophthora Oecophthora Heer, 1852 Genus Synonym
Oecophthora pusilla Pheidole pusilla Heer, 1852 Species Synonym
Palaeomyrmex Palaeomyrmex Heer, 1864 Genus Excluded from formicidae
Ponera veneraria Liometopum venerarium Heer, 1864 Species Valid
Palaeomyrmex prodromus Palaeomyrmex prodromus Heer, 1864 Species Excluded from formicidae Original combination
Poneropsis Poneropsis Heer, 1867 Genus Synonym
Poneropsis livida Liometopum lividum Heer, 1867 Species Synonym
Attopsis longipes Oecophylla longipes Heer, 1867 Species Synonym
Poneropsis anthracina Lasius anthracinus Heer, 1867 Species Valid
Formica aemula Formica aemula Heer, 1867 Species Synonym Original combination
Formica capito Lasius capito Heer, 1867 Species Synonym
Formica fragilis Formica fragilis Heer, 1867 Species Unidentifiable Original combination
Formica gracilis Ponerites gracilis Heer, 1867 Species Homonym
Formica kollari Formica kollari Heer, 1867 Species Synonym Original combination
Formica lavateri var. major Formica lavateri major Heer, 1867 Subspecies Valid Original combination
Formica oblita Formica oblita Heer, 1867 Species Synonym Original combination
Imhoffia pallida Imhoffia pallida Heer, 1867 Species Valid Original combination
Formica freyeri Lonchomyrmex freyeri Heer, 1867 Species Valid
Myrmica bicolor Paraphaenogaster bicolor Heer, 1867 Species Synonym
Myrmica concinna Paraphaenogaster concinna Heer, 1867 Species Synonym
Myrmica venusta Myrmica venusta Heer, 1867 Species Unidentifiable Original combination
Poneropsis brunascens Liometopum brunascens Heer, 1867 Species Valid
Published between 1849–1879
Taxon descriptions between 1849–1870
No. of references 9
No. of described taxa (including combinations) 179
No. of described taxa (valid, including combinations) 58
No. of described taxa (protonyms only) 101
Names belonging to author
Author name No. of references
Heer, O. 9